Wednesday, August 14, 2013

VIDEO: Paleo and HIIT

I'll start out with my recent HIIT workout video. This was my second HIIT of the week and the first time in 371 days that I did HIIT workouts! Yes, 371 days with HIIT workouts, much of that time was spent recovering from shoulder surgery, the rest was spent on mountain biking, trail running and some strength training...I put this video together mainly to document my (re)beginning, gauge where I am and hold myself accountable.

On top of HIIT I am going to start eating Paleo (for Athletes and Real Life) - meaning Paleo with the right carbs centered around workouts and some concessions for living a rich love of the food I love. Last night my paleo dinner was grilled chicken breast (seasoned with lemon, basil, garlic salt and pepper) and large serving of roasted zucchini (olive oil, rosemary and garlic salt).

A few words about HIIT. I love HIIT. It's great for shedding fat and getting into very good practical fit shape. I won't do HIIT exclusively, I'll do some pure strength work, CrossFit and of course endurance events (MTB rides, runs, road rides and races).

Monday night's HIIT consisted of 10 sets - tire slips and sledge hammer strikes, within the workout I completed 69 tire flips and countless (200?) hammer strikes.

Paleo Breakfast at Taco Cabana

I am starting Paleo again (as of dinner last night). I had great success achieving my six-pack along with great fitness last year...until shoulder surgery stopped me in my tracks (again). Last night I was lazy and I did not prepare my Paleo meals for today, so I was need something Paleo on the go this morning.

Taco Cabana came to mind - Order the Steak and Eggs with side of guacamole. You can tell them to keep the beans and tortillas, but it confuses them. Without the beans and tortillas you are probably looking at 30-45 grams of good protein - this is dependent greatly on how generous they are with your serving.

While you wait for the beef and eggs load up on the salsa bar, esp cilantro, onions and salsa - very alkaline. When your food arrives just toss the salsa bar items on along with the guac and eat up - skipping the beans and tortillas of course (this was painful).

Pretty good stuff and an easy way to stay Paleo on the go for breakfast - at least for us Texans with access to TC.

TC trivia - they are open 24hrs because in the early days at the original location in San Antonio the outdoor furniture kept getting stolen, so they decided to stay open 24/7.