Today 061009 St Eds Park lower and upper loops
Distance: 4.02 miles Time: 38 minutes, 50 seconds
Avg Speed: 6.2 mph Est. Max Speed: 20.6 mph
Avg Pace: 9min 39s / mile Est. Max Pace: 2min 55s / mile
Cals 661
Peak HR 240 (pegged it, so it's wrong)
Ave HR 142 (skewed by the pegging, but probably not off by much)
Lower loop is mostly flat and fast, about 15 minutes into the ride though is the kicker, 10 minutes of pure climbing, from 550ft to 800ft. Nice short ride that is 5 minutes from work. It can be a quick 30-40 minute ride or adding a couple of sections can be stretched out to an hour or hour and a half without riding the same areas.
I may train at the gym tonight also, but will likely just relax with the family.
Y'day 060909 Ken's Loop - cut very short due to trail impediments!
Distance: 2.35 miles Time: 40 minutes, 15 seconds
Avg Speed: 3.5 mph Est. Max Speed: 16.7 mph
Avg Pace: 17min 7s / mile Est. Max Pace: 3min 36s / mile
Cals 674
Peak HR (written down in my truck)
Ave HR (ditto)
Very similar in time and effort, but much shorter in length. The climb on this was is worse, it comes at you about 6 minutes into the ride and goes from about 520ft to 800ft pretty ubruptly, took me about almost 20 minutes to get all the way up...it levels off for a while, but then you climb again.
Some over zealous rich folks have gotten a bit crazy. This trail has been there for more than 20yrs. Previously protected land sold off and now multi-million dollar homes are at the top off Valburn. The trail does cross onto property lines, but it in no way 'interferes' with them. You can see the trail from their homes. Mountain bikers, hikers, runners are using the trail, not hooligans, not loud motorcycles or the like. Anyway, they put of bogus signs warning that tresspassing is enforce by APD and they destroyed MANY, I mean MANY trees to block the trial and make bypassing very difficult. So after the second major hike-a-bike through and over trees I decided to head out via one of the exits.
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