Monday, June 15, 2009

061409 Marble Ride with Nixon

061409 East Jester Trail Ride with Nixon

Casual paced ride with Nixon, luckily he was feeling a bit of pain left over from his 25th HS Reunion Friday and Saturday night. Didn't wear my HRM, but Nixon did and our burn info is usually pretty close, since our weight is pretty close. Roughly 1600 cals. 1h 40 minutes.

Good ride, I did a bit of walking some of the ups as to be expected. I feel my fitness improving though. I actually pushed it up some climbs that a week ago I would have given up and walked.

Got home and watered the yard, killed some weeds, devoured an entire pizza solo, since wife and kids were out doing the grocery shopping.

Will try checking out the west trails for a couple of hours today before I get my hail damage claim taken care of. Hoping that we can get 10 or more miles of trail out here if we can join Slinky, East Jester and West Jester. It's a long shot, but it would be incredible if we could actually link up to St Eds!

Distance: 3.13 miles
Time: 1 hour, 43 minutes, 15 seconds
Avg Speed: 1.8 mph
Est. Max Speed: 15.7 mph
Avg Pace: 32min 58s / mile
Est. Max Pace: 3min 49s / mile

No, no gym workouts lately...

1 comment:

plieb said...

man looks like your flurry of posting activity coincided with my period of inactivity.